2025 Commencement Ceremony Information

Brand Guidelines

Our Brand Guidelines

The University of Silicon Valley experience is truly extraordinary. We dig deep into the creative process. Our students are given a rare hands-on approach to the practices demanded by today’s creative industries. They are given the support they need to innovate, connect, and make things happen. They can walk into chaos and create order. They can take a conventional idea and create a remarkable one.

These guidelines ensure we express these shared values with every communication. In short, this helps us all to:

  • Execute USV’s brand voice
  • Differentiate USV and our programs from others with a crisp, clean and smart aesthetic
  • Resonate with our audience in an authentic and meaningful way

Our Logo

University of Silicon Valley logo (vertical)
University of Silicon Valley logo (horizontal)
University of Silicon Valley logo (vertical, intended for dark backgrounds)
University of Silicon Valley logo (horizontal, intended for dark backgrounds)

Our Colors

Fire Opal

Pantone 166
CMYK: 5, 82, 100, 0
RGB: 230, 85, 38
HEX: #e65526


Pantone 137
CMYK: 0, 43, 100, 0
RGB: 249, 160, 27
HEX: #F9A01B


85% Black
RGB: 38, 38, 38
HEX: #262626


50% Black
RGB: 128, 128, 128
HEX: #808080


RGB: 255, 255, 255


PMS 287 C
HEX: #003087


PMS 3248 C


PMS 1785 C
HEX: #F8485E


PMS 576 C
HEX: #789D4A


PMS 241 C
HEX: #AF1685

Lapis Lazuli

PMS 647 C
HEX: #236192


PMS 298 C
HEX: #41B6E6


PMS 187 C
HEX: #A6192E

Our Fonts

Oxanium Extra Bold

Display Heading

Roboto Slab Light

Display Subhead

Barlow Regular

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Barlow Semibold

Body Subhead / CALLOUTS

Brand Story

Our roots run deep in trend-setting innovation and technical prowess.

Dr. Henry Daniel Cogswell was a teacher, successful dentist, and real estate investor who became one of San Francisco’s first millionaires. He designed the vacuum method of securing dental plates and performed the first dental operation in California using chloroform.

Cogswell believed that educated working men and women would be necessary to solve the great problems that would arise in the future. So, on March 19, 1887, he put his passion into practice and established Cogswell Polytechnical College – specializing in technical education for boys and business education for girls.

Dr. Cogswell’s school, the only one of its kind west of the Mississippi, thrived through the decades and is said to have inspired his friend Leland Stanford to start Stanford University.

Through the centuries, the college has adapted to changing times. From teaching electrical engineering in the 70s and 80s to taking on digital audio and game design in the 90s and animation in the 2000s. Most recently, the college was renamed the University of Silicon Valley (USV) to better represent the institution’s expertise in providing real-world education that prepares students for success in creative technology industries.

Brand Purpose

Why do we exist? 

To create a community that translates our students’ passions and giftings in creative technologies and media into life-changing opportunities.

Brand Essence

What we stand for:

  • Nerd Community
  • Collaborative Creativity
  • Leading Edge Technologies
  • Real-World Learning
  • Mentoring
  • Spirited Competition
  • Silicon Valley Opportunities 

Brand Behavior

How do we support, protect, and activate our brand?

Our real-world learning approach is unlike any other approach in our industry. We must protect this at all costs. We must provide students opportunities to collaborate between majors and work directly on projects for leading creative technologies companies. This hands-on experience not only helps them stay current on industry trends and practices but gives them impressive portfolios employers like to see. Our faculty must have extensive industry experience, have a passion for bringing out each student’s unique giftings and have expertise in the latest techniques used by the entertainment and technologies industry.

We must place a high value on collaboration, innovation, and creativity, empowering the next generation of creative minds to maximize their potential. We’re a private school that must protect the atmosphere that allows us to offer students the one-on-one attention and mentoring they need to grow and excel. We go beyond textbook teaching and get in the trenches, helping and guiding students every step of the way. This mentor-focused approach allows us to make the necessary shifts and enhancements to their curriculum based on their unique talents.

Our physical environment must exude creativity and artistic expression. This is a critical expression for our brand that can’t be ignored. There should be an awe-inspiring impression created the moment you enter our doors. Void of any institutional, corporate trappings, it should be a showcase for creativity and collaboration. It must be a highly engaging space that empowers students to freely express and fully develop their technical and creative giftings, values, and ideas.

We must continually embrace every student’s inner nerd because that’s the essence of our culture. Nobody will feel like an outcast here. We must always make sure the culture at USV fosters community and inclusiveness. Here, students feel accepted, noticed, and a part of a quirky, like-minded nerd herd that thrives on art, animation, gaming, music, fantasy, fiction, and anything techie. We also must provide ongoing mentorship programs, student-led events, clubs, and townhall meetings where faculty and students come together to offer ideas that strengthen our culture.

Brand Expression

How do we best communicate and express our brand to our “Ones”?

  • Tell Great Stories
  • Exude Personality
  • Connect Emotionally

Brand Promise

What is the essence of our promise to our students? 

Empowering nerds to become game-changers.

Our Brand Voice Will Be:

What it isn’t: 
Literal, dry, boring, clinical, technical.

Brand Style

Our Brand Style will be: 

What it isn’t: 
Institutional, normie, cookie-cutter, lackluster.