2025 Commencement Ceremony Information

Refer a Friend

Nerds Unite

Attend with a Friend

Your referral can help empower your friends to further their education, advance their careers, and improve lives.

The continued success of our students and graduates has always been centered around our vibrant and dedicated student body. Some of our best students are here because a friend told them about University of Silicon Valley. That’s why we’re asking you to share your story with a colleague, family member or friend who may be interested in studying here.

  1. Fill out the form with your information and theirs.
  2. The person you recommend will receive information about USV via the contact information you provide.
  3. If the person responds, he or she will be contacted by an admissions advisor who will server as their personal guide to the University of Silicon Valley. 
If you refer a friend, you may be eligible to receive a USV t-shirt. Valid contact information required. Maximum of one t-shirt per year. U.S. only.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information

Shirt Size*
Mail my USV t-shirt to:*

Their Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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