How Do I Start a Business in Silicon Valley?

Are you interested in starting your own business in Silicon Valley but not sure you have the knowledge and skills to succeed? If you have the passion for entrepreneurship, the University of Silicon Valley will impart you with the knowledge and will help you build the skills you need to become an entrepreneur. So, how do you start a business in Silicon Valley?

How Do I Start a Business in Silicon Valley?

There are many steps to starting a business in Silicon Valley. From creating a pitch deck to securing financing and everything in between, the California Secretary of State offers a checklist of the important steps to starting a business in California.

Step #1: Prepare a Plan

In recent years, many entrepreneurs are learning that a hundred-page business plan may be too much for investors to read. The new crop of entrepreneurs are starting with a pitch deck. It has all the information necessary to explain the business, target market, competitive landscape and the like, without the need for potential stakeholder to read a paperback book. Make sure you understand how much capital you will need, what your break-even point is, and how fast you will grow. These are all important questions that an investor will ask you about your business when they are making the decision to invest.

Step #2: Secure Financing

There are many ways to secure financing, from dipping into your savings to asking friends and family to buy shares in the company all the way to meeting with venture capital investors. However, don’t forget that the Small Business Administration is key to securing loans for start ups that need funding options to get off the ground.

Step #3: Register Your Business

Whether it is an LLC or sole proprietorship, you must understand the pros and cons of each business entity. Abiding by the tax law and other governmental guidelines is important for any business. You will also need to pick a business name and register it with the fictitious name department in Silicon Valley.

Step #4: Get Proper Licenses and Permits

The next step to starting a business in Silicon Valley is to choose a location and understand the local zoning requirements. You may also need to obtain licenses or permits to meet local, state, and federal regulations. Do you need an EIN number, worker’s compensation, or zoning permit to start your business in Silicon Valley? Make sure you secure all the necessary licenses and permits so you don’t have to pay fines or experience delays.

Step #5: Understand the Tax Implications

Nothing is more important than starting on good terms with the IRS, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization and other governmental oversight organizations. Make sure you know if and when you owe taxes, need to pay sales taxes or must file returns. Being late on any of your returns can mean wasted money on late fees.

Step Zero: Attend a Master of Arts Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

If you want to start from scratch and are willing to take some time to learn the proper path to entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, then attending University of Silicon Valley is a great way to lay a solid foundation that you can build upon throughout your adventure. University of Silicon Valley offers a 30-credit graduate program that prepares you to start your own venture within Silicon Valley.

During the Master of Arts Program at University of Silicon Valley, you will learn about business modeling, developing and driving competitive value for new business ideas, and proper planning of your business from start to finish. Coursework will take you through the process of identifying an innovative idea and seeing it through to fruition as a real business in Silicon Valley. You will learn about entrepreneurial marketing to understand the nature of the marketing challenges that you will face starting a business in Silicon Valley. You will also learn about the transformation of the digital space including how to take advantage of social media. Enjoy mentorship from instructors that have worked at Silicon Valley giants like Apple, Cisco, Facebook and Google. With the University of Silicon Valley behind you, the sky’s the limit.

What is the Benefit of a Formal Education From USV?

There are many benefits to a formal education from the University of Silicon Valley. They include:

A Complete Curriculum

When you attend the University of Silicon Valley’s Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, you step into a world that was carved out by entrepreneurs who paved the way for you, part of the next generation of startups. Many of the industry giants look to the University of Silicon Valley to shape the future, offering feedback and curriculum ideas that will create well-rounded entrepreneurs.

Mentorship From Faculty

Many of the faculty you will work with have worked at elite Silicon Valley businesses. They have insider information about what you need to know to start a business in the competitive world of Silicon Valley. They can spark innovative ideas and mentor you through the process of brainstorming a path to success, creating a pitch deck, and understanding how to traverse the entrepreneurial world of Silicon Valley. Our faculty is dedicated to your success and available to offer insight into whatever obstacles you want to overcome.

Strong Ties with the Community

Our faculty, have strong ties with the Silicon Valley community. They have worked alongside many great entrepreneurs that have started and continue to run businesses in Silicon Valley. One of the most important ways to succeed when starting a business is to network with those in Silicon Valley who can offer assistance and guidance, while learning from their mistakes so you don’t make the same ones when you start your own business. Create a contact network because you never know who you will meet and who will be of great help in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to start a business in Silicon Valley, it is time to learn more about how the University of Silicon Valley can prepare you for this monumental challenge. If you have entrepreneurial passion, the University of Silicon Valley will prepare you with the knowledge and will help you build the skills you need to start a business in Silicon Valley today.

Want to Learn More?

Ready to get a Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree at University of Silicon Valley? Home to a who’s who of high-tech powerhouses—including Apple, Cisco, Facebook, and Google—Silicon Valley boasts extraordinary achievements in innovation and entrepreneurship. The culture has fueled the growth of over 135,000 start-ups and has also informed the development of our Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree.

The Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree program is designed for graduate students seeking to establish their own business ventures, manage entrepreneurial enterprises, transition to new careers, or thrive through innovation within their current place of work and can be completed in as little as one year. It provides an excellent way to earn your Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree with minimal impact to your professional or personal life.

University of Silicon Valley is uniquely poised to offer a meaningful and valuable education for 21st century students. We believe in an education that directly correlates with the work you’ll be doing after you graduate. Interested in learning more? Contact Us today.


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